"India" which is called by many names like Hindustani, Bharat.India is also called "Land of happiness.In India all regions are living together happily,this happens only in India.In India, people talk more than one language.In India people live brotherhood and also live happily.In India, various types of festivals are celebrated and every religion is celebrate together and happily.Different religions, different festivals but celebrating together happily. This is the specialty of India.Gudi padwa is the new year of marathi …
Love is the most important part in every relationship. Without love there is no relationship.One boy and one girl is meeting is not the meaning of love. Love means when a person takes care of another person and always supports him and also keeps happy.The person can be mother- son/daughter, brother-sister, brother-brother, sister-sister, etc.Love are expressed in many ways, like giving gift each other, giving surprises, and making each other happy, etc.Love is the only thing that comes from the heart, not the mind.We get love from the …
Parents are the most important members in every life. Parents have given a lot of happy memories in childhood. Parents are the god because they always support their child,always keep happy to their child, solves every problem of their child. Parents are also called protector of their child. Children’s heart is full of love of parents and parent’s heart is children’s life. If anything happens to their child, then the parent’s heartbeat goes fast. MOTHER “M” for the Miracle you are to me. “O” for the Opportunities you gave me. “…
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